The Buffalo Rheumatology and Medicine website is NOT designed to provide patient-specific medical advice. For specific medical questions related to your treatment or condition, we recommend you speak directly to a physician or practitioner. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
For supplemental information regarding health and selected rheumatologic conditions, however, please feel free to click on the links below:
American College of Rheumatology – Visit the ACR page with patient information regarding diseases and conditions, medications, and other topics.
Arthritis Foundation – Find information and tools to help people live a better life with arthritis.
Lupus Alliance of WNY – Find support for those with Lupus. This organization is now known as the Lupus Alliance of America Upstate New York.
National Osteoporosis Foundation – Access a wealth of information and articles about this prevalent condition.
Spondylitis Association of America – Founded in 1983 by people affected by ankylosing spondylitis, this association leads the quest to cure the disease and related diseases.
Theralogix Dietary Supplements – Find information about nutritional supplementation for bone health from Theralogix, the brand recommended by our clinical staff.
If you are a patient for whom a Buffalo Rheumatology doctor or practitioner has recommended supplements, please click on the appropriate link(s) below to order.
Preferred pricing and free shipping discounts will be applied to your Theralogix order when you use the links above and add products to your shopping cart. Buffalo Rheumatology and Medicine, PLLC does not benefit in any way from Theralogix product purchases.